we interrupt these expressions to express a shrunken expression.
[[[[[[[[the below two expressions were on queue for deletion and are posted. they are not considered intended to express. for preservation and transparency!
karl needs help with his behavior of changing his plans in response to influence. it is limiting how much he communicates about himself to ho
he is not communicating with his mother where he is, because he is worried he will respond to her by changing his plans, without regard to her desire to do this. he needs help with this behavior of changing his plans in response to influence. karl is on a trip across the country. he has recently decided to travel to the west coast and is presently in florida. there is a chance the trip lasts only a few days. some detail not expressed due to further concern ]]]]]]]]
we expect as we calm down we will be able to express something. it is sad that complexity and memory difficulty can ride along [maybe is like a cognitive bug]