On Tue, 23 Aug 2016 21:08:19 +0000 Sean Lynch <seanl@literati.org> wrote:
On Mon, Aug 22, 2016 at 12:07 AM Georgi Guninski <guninski@guninski.com> wrote:
Appelbaum, CDC, CCC
Appelbaum banned from Debian events after sexual misconduct charges
=== Appelbaum has also been asked to leave other hacker groups like the Cult of the Dead Cow, Noisebridge, and will not be allowed to attend events organised by the hacker group Chaos Computer Club. ===
Are journos exaggerating at least for CCC?
So I guess as far as Juan & garpamp, et al are concerned, these groups are also infiltrated by or working on behalf of the NSA, GCHQ, etc?
I don't know what grarpamp* thinks, but yes, it it quite obvious that those groups are sellouts and controlled opposition on the government's payroll. The american-german government in the case of CCC. Although what this particular, pathetic, tor soap opera illustrates is that the 'hacker' 'community' is mostly composed of left wing 'progressive' fascists who are lapdogs of the feminazis and other similar 'politically correct' garbage. *I think grarpamp is hardly to be 'trusted' anyway.
Are they about to experience mass disillusionment and exodus as well, just like all "non-spook" Tor relays are about to shut down because "everyone" who's not a spook is on Rapey Jakey's side?
lol Sean. So far what you've done here is post apologiges and propaganda for the most despicable americunt corporations. And granted, you had the 'decency' to admit you are an accomplice or 'employee' of the one of the worst criminals on the planet. Which nicely completed your profile.
Rapey Jakey's side?
Ah Sean. You have to lick your wife's boots so that she doesn't take the children, the house, and all your savings? =) What a sad state of affairs.