On November 9, 2017 1:16:02 PM EST, juan <juan.g71@gmail.com> wrote:
On Thu, 9 Nov 2017 12:19:45 -0500 John Newman <jnn@synfin.org> wrote:
also, the fact that motherfucking intel gets to 'save' money by using free stuff isn't exactly good news either.
last but not least, at some point it's quite ridiculous for open source advocates to give weapons to their enemies.
Minix is BSD-licensed, so anyone can take it and do what they will with it. I guess you're advocating for GPL only in open source stuff? I can see both sides of the argument...
well it's a dilemma. I don't think 'intellectual property' is justified or enforceable at all. But that in turn means that good ideas can be used by all sorts of hardly-human scum.
As to 'legal' licences in the american fascist, I mean, 'legal' system they are just bullshit written by lawyers. GPL relies on 'copyright' doesn't it.
Right - which is why I personally prefer BSD licensed stuff, seems to come closer to doing away with the whole notion of copyright. But it can obviously have negative side effects, as we see, when the state, or corporations, build on these efforts for their nefarious purposes... Not sure there's a good solution here. Except of course for the utter destruction of the state ;)