On Tue, Oct 22, 2013 at 10:21 PM, grarpamp <grarpamp@gmail.com> wrote:
... There's no reason to hold CDR's more than the last fully paid billing cycle, and, yes, further limited by the type of calling plan you have.
as an interesting aside, when i worked at a company providing directory assistance to cell phone providers, there were some individuals who would call DA just to be outbound dialed to the desired number. our call setup incurred a hairpin route for this outbound leg, connecting the dialed party side through our switches, to provide in-band services. this had the convenient effect of masking the origin of a caller through our network. needless to say, we were strongly encouraged to keep all CDR records for years, precisely because some many months later a request would come in asking for the calling party information associated with one of these outbound legs. this is not even considering the "data analytics" reasons why carriers keep these detail records indefinitely...