The Sweden Democrats, and the people who vote for them, know what is happening in Sweden. And they say Trump is right. And the way the wind blows, they will be in government come the next Swedish election, or the one after that. http://www.express.co.uk/news/world/765756/Moderate-Party-olive-branch-Euros... AS SWEDEN faces an existential crisis with the police in turmoil amid a surge in violent crime across the nation, the once liberal country could see its left-wing government ousted from power. And here is a Swedish prog, bemoaning Sweden being insufficently generous to Muslims, thereby preventing them from magically becoming good Swedish taxpayers: http://blogs.spectator.co.uk/2017/02/trump-right-swedens-refugee-policy-led-... The awful truth is that Trump was right to say they are dealing with problems that they never imagined. Who, for example, would have thought Sweden would be Europe’s greatest exporter of jihadis? He thinks that if you pour more money over the heads of Muslims they will not become jihadis.