Clamoring to get on NSA hit lists for popular support and corresponding business, researching, teaching, litigating and speaking opportunities is a frenzy. Once it was a booster being on the FBI hit lists, then CIA, then KGB, then MI5 and/or MI6, then Mossad, then Savak, then Cheney, then Bin Laden, then AQ in Yemen, now Glenn Greenwald is swamped with applicants to be put on list of names of US persons who are desperate to be surveilled for starring roles in the multiple scripts of the Snowden blockbusters, with many more digital Che's in the pipeline. Snowden's mom has not yet, in public, rolled out a campaign for evelasting fame and profit for her darling like Assange's mother and various fathers. Ed's dad has had his team going full blast for a year, in concert with ACLU, EFF, Plato Cacheris and a gaggle of natsec sharks and stunt arrangers, the red phones are hot between DC and Moscow to set up beamings of Snowden for queues of ass-kissers eager to be photographed with his metadata-rich talking head. US attorneys in Eastern Virginia, DC, Southern NY and Northern CA are wagering on who gets Assange, who gets Snowden, who gets Greenwald, who gets Poitras, Appelbaum and unnamed co-conspirators along with the dudes at EFF for orchestrating Ed's seduction, purloining and dashings from Japan to Maryland to Hawaii to Hong Kong to Moscow. Other ex-NSA patriots are in heavy demand to beef up the lightweight Snowden with dark musings on what the young man had no access to but they did and will never ever tell. Behind the legal and media shindigs technical agents are working the outliers, FOI minions, CCC, Pirates, Torrents, Drops, Jabbers, chats, IP2s, the invisible -- really -- of dark nets to gather intel on counterspying apparatus and IO errors. This is Phase 1. At 07:21 PM 7/4/2014, you wrote:
On Thu, Jul 03, 2014 at 01:24:14PM -0700, coderman wrote:
On Thu, Jul 3, 2014 at 9:47 AM, John Young <jya@pipeline.com> wrote:
... sharing tips on spying the counterspies,
i for one am most concerned about spying the counter-counter-spies.
... note that no cryptome.org fingerprint yet leaked; perhaps JYA successfully signal jamming the collection colossus through copious cross pollination.
JYA & cryptome is not really business sensitive 'material non-public information'. However, if you want advance tips to pass on to your VC buddies you'd flag some software developers for big business http://www.linuxjournal.com/content/nsa-linux-journal-extremist-forum-and-it...
Then you go with phase two and connect that data to high frequency trading algorithms to properly anonymize the ill-gotten gains, and then proceed to launder, http://dealbook.nytimes.com/2014/07/02/venture-capitalist-tim-draper-wins-bitcoin-auction/?_php=true&_type=blogs&_r=0 rinse, repeat