On Sun, 17 Apr 2022 20:58:13 -0400 worthless anonymous jewnazi <grancrap@JOOMAIL.com> wrote:
You know twitter and everything else is already doing that spy stuff, but your support for your beloved Leftists
I never supported any 'leftist' - and what kind of braindead turd would refer to utmost fascist scum like twatter as 'leftist' anyway. Oh wait you. Bottom line : musko and his non-human lapdogs like grancrap and bell are ANTI-PRIVACY scum, EXACTLY like twatter, while whining about twatter. See all the jim bell posts about satellites, GPS, fucktarphone aids tracking, COMMIE vaccines, and more! Oh, and one more note on twatter. Twatter is the source that provides 90% OF THE PROPAGANDA that grancrap spams. Yes, that's how stupid grancrap is.