20 Aug
20 Aug
11:02 a.m.
On Sat, Aug 20, 2016 at 06:23:12AM -0400, grarpamp wrote:
https://lists.torproject.org/pipermail/tor-talk/2016-August/042032.html Fri Aug 19 11:34:54 UTC 2016 thread Shutting down my tor relay Stephan Seitz <stse+tor@fsing.rootsland.net>
Did Tor decide to piss off and disconnect the honest relay operators (or as much of them as possible) while keeping the luser cattle? AFAIK the onion anonymity highly depends on the honesty of the relays in the "circuit" (or whatever they call it, never mind). This way all relays will be spooks', while now only most of them are.