GrantCameron @GrantCameron Whitehouse UFO & Presidential #UFO #Disclosure #CanadaUFO #UFOtwitter itsallconnected.weebly.com/b… Joined December 2008 Tweets 5,143 Following 246 Followers 28,497 Likes 494 2,063 Photos and videos Tweets Tweets & Replies Media Search GrantCameron @GrantCameron 11h Story is circulating that Ron Pandolfi showed bodies to Dan Smith. DAN Tells me the story is not true. #ufotwitter #ufo #aaro #uaptf #aatip 4 5 29 GrantCameron @GrantCameron Jun 9 Listen to "Barbara Lamb Answers UFO Experiencer Questions Part 1" by The Paranormal UFO Consciousness Podcast. spotifyanchor-web.app.link/e… Barbara Lamb Answers UFO Experiencer Questions Part 1 by The Paranormal UFO Consciousness Podcast Grant Cameron and UFO experiencers from the Rabbit Hole talk to Barbara Lamb about the roughly 5,000 regressions she has done with past lives and UFO experiencers. Lamb answers questions from... spotifyanchor-web.app.link 4 15 GrantCameron @GrantCameron Jun 9 Listen to "Part 2 Barbara Lamb Answers UFO Experiencer Questions" by The Paranormal UFO Consciousness Podcast. podcasters.spotify.com/pod/s… Part 2 Barbara Lamb Answers UFO Experiencer Questions by The Paranormal UFO Consciousness Podcast Barbara Lamb Answers UFO Experiencer Questions Part 2 Grant Cameron and UFO experiencers from the Rabbit Hole talk to Barbara Lamb about the roughly 5,000 regressions she has done with past lives... podcasters.spotify.com 1 6 21 GrantCameron @GrantCameron Jun 8 Which is run by the right brain. No interest in the left brain rational ego mind? #ufotwitter #ufo #neurology #rightbrain 2 1 14 GrantCameron @GrantCameron Jun 5 Wilbert Smith - Director of Canadian UFO investigation 1950-1954. amazon.com/CANADIAN-GOVERNME… #ufotwitter #wilbertsmith #flyingsaucer #UFOs 8 16 64 GrantCameron @GrantCameron Jun 5 Wilbert Smith - Official Head of Canadian Flying Saucer Investigation 1950-1954 amazon.com/CANADIAN-GOVERNME… #ufo #ufotwitter #ufos #hardware #aaro #uaptf #disclosure 2 18 56 GrantCameron retweeted GrantCameron @GrantCameron May 31 The UFO Congressional investigation will purposely ignore experiencer testimony. To balance things I will host another Rabbit Hole meeting Sunday at 1 central on my whitehouseufo Youtube. Regressionist Barbara Lamb has agreed to take questions. DM with questions. #ufotwitter 11 14 2 77 GrantCameron @GrantCameron Jun 4 Nancy, who was abducted 2 months before the Hills, wrote two books on her investigation and regressions. amazon.com/stores/Nancy-Trem… #ufo #abduction #ufotwitter 6 6 1 44 GrantCameron @GrantCameron Jun 4 Another version of the theory of WOW where we are being led to explore reality and give up past beliefs of how things work. This from the guides and Marjie Bassler who relays the messages. #channeling #ufo #ufotwitter #Disclosure 2 3 23 GrantCameron @GrantCameron Jun 2 A rose by any other name is just as sweet. Hitchhiker, attachment, rabbit hole experience. #ufotwitter 5 2 22 GrantCameron @GrantCameron May 28 Will be on COAST tonight with George Knapp to talk Jimmy Carter and hopefully other stuff. #ufotwitter #ufo 5 4 65 GrantCameron @GrantCameron May 27 You see yourself as a puny form, when within you is enfolded the entire Universe. #ufotwitter #spacetravel #REALITY 6 1 41 GrantCameron @GrantCameron May 27 1 1 22 GrantCameron @GrantCameron May 27 Sherry Wilde talking to an entity and challenging him about if he is or is not an alien. Short story is he was an etheric being as opposed to an ET as first claimed. 13 4 1 45 GrantCameron @GrantCameron May 26 Birthday for 8 Canadian Geese in the University Parking Lot. One soul didn't complete the trip. Have a safe trip home. #bird #canadiangeese #winnipeg #universityofmanitoba 1 24 GrantCameron @GrantCameron May 20 The new generation has arrived.#birds #geese #baby #spring 5 3 48 1,460 GrantCameron @GrantCameron May 18 Nolan talks WOW signal. Cool I am working on my Theory of Wow lecture and book. #ufo #ufotwitter #uaptwitter nitter.pw/UAPJames/status/… 3 4 38 GrantCameron @GrantCameron May 18 Why the UFO intelligence uses WOW events to shift beliefs and shatter beliefs. If you look closely that is what they appear to be doing. #ufo #ufotwitter #skeptic #UAP #ufos #reality #TTOW 9 8 40 GrantCameron @GrantCameron May 15 The UFO intelligence used Wow events to slowly break down our naive reality of "seeing is believing." Its actions hint that not only is what we believe wrong - we aren't even close. #UFO #ufotwitter #REALITY #consciousness #naivereality 7 12 1 53 Load more