There were way too many messages, broken threads, poorly composed html-ized, etc... a mess... on the subject. That would be daunting for many people to follow. In those situations, try briefly summarizing the information, datapoints, timeline, reference links, todo, etc in one well maintained status thread, wiki, git, or webpage... not a useless mess. Whether missing history of 25yr ago and any remaining actors therein, may or not be found worthy in or to today's news environment... keeping things organized is helpful skill. If you found the Egyptians had fusion power covered up by "whoever"... you'd still have to have it collated into a generally presentable package. Then recognize an expectation continuum between even a solved package of small news getting binned, and an unsolved package of big news earning investigation. Then search out media interested in covering new Science, old Antiquity, coverups, or the "whoever" that did it, or curiosities. Or try to get lucky flinging it around whatever the hot social twatterverses of the current day are. " I'm Craig Silverman, the media editor of BuzzFeed News. I've been researching and debunking online misinformation for close to a decade, and also report on how digital media is being gamed and exploited [...] recently have been covering Facebook's ongoing purge of pages [...] helped show exactly which accounts around the world are being censored... "