On Tue, Oct 27, 2020, 4:30 PM <jamesd@echeque.com> wrote:
On 2020-10-28 00:41, Karl wrote:
So, I can't tell if the voting issue is fake news or not, since I don't know the details of anyone in one of the affected areas.
What you do know, however, is that the press is suppressing news that would cast doubt on the legitimacy of the election.
That's obvious and has been true for decades. Thanks for reminding us; it is easy to forget. The rest of things you say appear overstated (partly false) to me. I overstate things too.
Which is a mighty good indication that election is not legitimate.
This is the inverse of the poster girl rule.
The poster girl rule is that the if the poster girl or poster boy for X is fake, X is fake - lynchings, rape on campus, etc.
The inverse of the poster girl rule is that if stuff that should make the news strangely cannot make the news, as for example the multitudinous examples of voter fraud that poll watchers and president Trump are complaining about, that stuff is real.
Recapping on my favorite fake poster girl story:
Obama administration told University campuses that there was a rape crisis on campus - which in a sense is true, but not at all true in the sense that the Obama administration intended. From the point of view of women, the problem is that white high status big men on campus are not raping them. Women really don't like consent culture. In their bones, they feel that consent is failing a shit test. But they cannot express this, even to themselves, so they express it in words that are socially approved, but the real meaning of the words is inverted.
Obama administration, finding it strangely impossible to punish these supposed rapes through the courts, commanded university admin to punish them administratively.
University of Virginia investigated thirty something rapes on campus. No disciplinary action in any of these rapes.
Rolling Stone concludes that the University of Virginia must be closing its eyes to horrible horrible horrible brutal rape. Investigates. Disaster ensues.
I remember when a girl was raped in the bathroom on the floor above me in college. Men from out of state stood outside it, guarding it, while it happened. That one was real, at least. We should figure out if Cecilia is okay.