The Road to Armageddon A few quotes: " The roots of America’s current belligerence lie in the private ownership of its currency, privatised by Woodrow Wilson in 1919, the now U.S. Federal Reserve. Like any privatised business, the Federal Reserve relies on a customer base, but as its customers dwindled, the future consequences forced America into protection racketeering, and manipulation to save its usury power. Today, this intervention translates to regime change and removing those who won’t agree. In other words, the U.S. produces dollars and the world peripheries produce to sell for those dollars, consequently, this means the U.S. has been living free by printing pieces of private profit-making paper for decades. " "In 1973 ( ) President Nixon asked King Faisal of Saudi Arabia to accept only US dollars as payment for oil and to invest any excess profits in US Treasury bonds, notes, and bills. In return, Nixon offered military protection for Saudi oilfields. The same offer was extended to each of the world's key oil producing countries, and by 1975 every member of OPEC had agreed to only sell oil in U.S. dollars." In a world-wide economic recession, the world is finally beginning to realise the previous power of the U.S. lies not in exceptionalism, but in its parasitic nature. All this remains a conspiracy theory to many Americans, but well known to the rest of the world – Ron Paul explains ( ).