maybe i can figure out how to attach files with alpine on my own! it's
1346 on 2024-10-21 .
oh! also, i want to take a sewing class and a cnc class (free at library
in this city). registration for the sewing class opens on the 26th or the
30th (depending on which class). registration for the cnc class opens on
november 1st. it stays open for a only a couple days before filling up, so
everybody who actually gets in signs up right when it opens. at least they
said something like that at the cnc space.
cnc ... computer numeric control ... what about
i got to the sewing signup on the 27th but it was full. seems like it could be a one-day window! next window on October 30th. maybe signing up for laser and silhouette classes at some point could be cool too, to get in the class groove.