> juan juan.g71 at gmail.com
> Tue Feb 21 15:35:47 PST 2017
> Sure, 'exponential' growth.

You are correct.  I should have written 'near-linear growth'.  I see you agree with rest.

> That shows exactly what kind of dishonest and retarded asshole you are.

Lol. Wut.

https:// wikipedia.org/wiki/Crime_in_Sweden:
Sweden began recording national crime statistics in 1950, and the method for recording crime has basically remained unchanged until the mid-1960s, when the Swedish police introduced new procedures for crime statistics, which have been presented as a partial explanation for the historical increase in crime reports."
From fucking xl doc:
https:// unodc.org/documents/data-and-analysis/statistics/crime/CTS_Sexual_violence.xls:
Definition: “Rape” means sexual intercourse without valid consent.""

If you graph the numbers for 'Rates per 100,000 Population' for Sweden, you get "muh growth".

But if you wanna look at pre-made graphs:
https:// unodc.org/documents/data-and-analysis/Crime-statistics/International_Statistics_on_Crime_and_Justice.pdf