On Dec 7, 2016, at 10:27 AM, Razer <rayzer@riseup.net> wrote:
On 12/06/2016 09:08 PM, Zenaan Harkness wrote: "The Alt-Right is simply Zionism for White Europeans. Jews have an ethnostate with a wall and Jew-only immigration. If you hate the Alt-Right you must be an anti-semite."
More like total breakdown of logic.
There's something lacking in the logical facilities of the person who wrote that.
Zionism is Jewish Fascism dreamed up by some nutjob rebbe in Europe sometime in the 1800s with about as much basis in the Torah as ISIS (another Fash group) has basis in the Koran.
Zionism is Jewish Fascism The so-called "Alt-Right" is AMERICAN FASCISM.
If you hate the 'alt-right' (fascism) you hate zionism (fasicism), not Jews (antisemitism)
Well articulated. Decrying Jewish imperialism and the crimes of the modern state of Israel is not the same thing as being an anti-Semite. This logical slight-of-hand bullshit may work on people already already looking for reinforcement of their own fascist beliefs and Hitler worship, but it is just totally fucking wrong (I mean that logically, not ethically - although either applies)
Goebbels said If you're going to tell a lie tell a BIG one, but it doesn't work... aamof it has a negative effect to your message and all future disinformation, if you just make shit up.
“We’ve never seen Richard Spencers like this before. We are witnessing the rise of a new breed of Spencer.” -New York Times
“There’s a feeling in the air, as if Spencerism is going to unleash a hellish inferno of rebranded white supremacy on Texas.” -USA Today
WaPo: “Texas is reaching a type of ‘Maximum Richard Spencer Overdrive,’ which at best will result in a national existential crisis. At worst, we could be facing a total breakdown of fabric of society, inducing a Walking Dead type scenario.” -Washington Post
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wlbLNWIFEY0 ~800MiB ("best")