1Q9CWBAePD6NaBar 2d traffick boss sends government workers to advanced technology business to order them to work for traffick boss via their government 1Q9CWBAePD6NaBar 4h traffick boss bends gloatingly over a city of people 1Q9CWBAePD6NaBar 4h he’s in a gigantic cardboard replica of an armored robot. employees work the cardboard to move it as if it is a real robot. 1Q9CWBAePD6NaBar 4h traffick boss [in gigantic cardboard war robot marionette]: “oh you little civilians are in so much trouble! you won’t be able to avoid this cleanup!” 1Q9CWBAePD6NaBar 4h traffick boss pulls fake levers and the giant cardboard robot lifts its giant cardboard leg and stomps hard on an area that appears populated 1Q9CWBAePD6NaBar 4h marketers and actor shills and interns run around the area that looks populated, screaming as if in fear, “my baby!” “he destroyed my house!” 1Q9CWBAePD6NaBar 4h traffick pulls more levers and the giant cardboard robot folds its arms smugly 1Q9CWBAePD6NaBar 4h traffick boss sets himself up with a gun platform. rebel workers ensure the guns fire blanks. he has hypnotized special agents cut a hole in the roof and ceiling of active building 1Q9CWBAePD6NaBar 4h news crews come in to observe and broadcast him. he is in some kind of trance. 1Q9CWBAePD6NaBar 4h he lowers through the ceiling slowly on wires on his platform, and yells at all the people as he aims the guns and fires 1Q9CWBAePD6NaBar 4h everybody ducks and covers and flees and yells. he keeps yelling and firing. nothing is getting damaged from the gunfire. 1Q9CWBAePD6NaBar 4h this continues for a bit. emergency services pull into the building’s parking lot to arrest him. 1Q9CWBAePD6NaBar 4h as various emergency enforcement teams bust in through the doors and run toward him, he aims his guns at them and keeps madly firing blanks and blanks at them as they approach. 1Q9CWBAePD6NaBar 4h he’s laughing and yelling, both maniacally. the emergency teams break into ordered groups to organize access the gun platform and roof via various means. 1Q9CWBAePD6NaBar 4h on the roof the hypnotized special agents who helped traffick boss and the on-the-job special agent stopping him encounter each other. they’re coworkers and friends. 1Q9CWBAePD6NaBar 4h “oh, hi special agent 4! how’s work?” “special agent 3! such a surprise to see you here!” “special agent 5, about that fiver i owe you …” 1Q9CWBAePD6NaBar 4h mistake: “on-the-job special agents stopping him” 1Q9CWBAePD6NaBar 4h plural 1Q9CWBAePD6NaBar 3h traffick boss starts to come out of his horrifying maniacal reverie and looks up to the hole in the roof. “hey! haul me up!” 1Q9CWBAePD6NaBar 3h the news crews and live cameras flock to the roof 1Q9CWBAePD6NaBar 3h meanwhile ground teams are bringing ladders in, and somebody has a megaphone aimed at the gun platform from the ground 1Q9CWBAePD6NaBar 3h and the civilians are being safely moved elsewhere and protected. some are taken aside and are being interviewed. 1Q9CWBAePD6NaBar 3h person with megaphone [at gun platform hanging from sawed hole in ceiling by steel cables]: “mr. traffick boss, you are trespassing and must leave.” 1Q9CWBAePD6NaBar 3h on the roof the hypnotized special agents don’t seem to understand that they helping traffick boss. they start to haul him up while giving office quips. 1Q9CWBAePD6NaBar 3h traffick boss [while being pulled toward news crews and special agents, just a hairs breadth away from a group at the top of a ladder]: “your armor protected you this time!” 1Q9CWBAePD6NaBar 3h he fires off more blanks as he rises