This was the final piece I needed to finally dox coderman. I give you... [image: Inline image 1] <http://41.media.tumblr.com/4d9ff52281bd4384afa0f30d12d1d323/tumblr_nrtw37BX6E1uadq5wo1_500.jpg> Abed Nadir. #SixSeasonsAndAMovie *Seth* list@sysfu.com <list%40sysfu.com?Subject=Re%3A%20list%20sans%20smtp%20spillage&In-Reply-To=%3Cop.x6yt821ebgbjo9%40laptop%3E>
* http://pastebin.com/Wy98Q3TJ <http://pastebin.com/Wy98Q3TJ> *> * --- *> * Email filter update. *>* This is a list with trolls, troublemakers and other nuts mostly on the *>* security mailing lists. Since I filter those the discussion is much *>* more civil. And with far less conspiracies.
*Fri Oct 23 11:50:32 EDT 2015*On Fri, 23 Oct 2015 01:59:51 -0700, coderman <coderman@gmail.com> wrote: * Pondering the meaning seeing as how OP's own email address is included in the list. Now that's meta-trolling if I ever dun seen it.