On Sat, Oct 12, 2019 at 04:26:38PM -0700, Douglas Lucas wrote: ...
We need a global commons for public data so we can organize effectively to knowledgeably replace the social structures, not just cheering on corporate Twitter etc when the current ones continue to collapse (and then when our number's up screaming that we deserve more cryptocoin to float our own particular outgroup boat), and so there can be a literate population that can maintain individual autonomy (which means so much more than trade but also cooking skill, traveling skill, etc etc) through individual rights but also be informed in agreeing to social contracts etc because we're simultaneously very social creatures.
Stuff you should read for more similar or similar-ish to the above:
Peter Gelderloos: _Worshiping Power: An Anarchist View of Early State Formation_
Heather Marsh: _Autonomy, Diversity, Society_ and _Binding Chaos_ and https://getgee.xyz
Ursula K Le Guin: "The Carrier Bag Theory of Fiction", _The Dispossessed_
BTW, thanks for the reading list. Appreciated - especially with your effective/implicit commentary to hint at the content. Have a good one and create our world heh,