Expressing your opinion is the ultimate unit of work in the virtual world. Distribute bitcoins on this basis. That devalues them, yes, but then you don't have to expend 100kW of energy to produce them, maybe call them nanobits.
Then allow them to be traded freely as a neutral currency for the net. After this gets established, ONLY THEN can you really set a EXCHANGE RATE for bitcoin with physical dolllars -- because you've tied and anchored it to REAL WORLD VALUES.
Nice in theory,
Hold it right there. You admit the theory is sound (or at least partially sound), so then on what basis are you basing YOUR currency?
but no, any Cabal coin can be tied to physical stuff no problems,
I believe by "Cabal" you mean "agreed upon by the currency producers". Let's call it the "Treasury". (get it? treasure: like a pirate's horde)
thus creating an actual Cabal-controlled
Treasury controlled
(ą thus manipulated) value
How will it get manipulated just because someone has to agree to its production?
for their particular central coin.
....Ummm, right. Marxos