Hey PR, Your subject to this email is somewhat surprising to me, and I'm wondering are there maybe things going on that still need responding to? Sometimes when I add disjoint content to things it relates to something unaddressed. On 10/11/21, professor rat <pro2rat@yahoo.com.au> wrote:
Rolling Stone Eric Clapton Isn’t Just Spouting Vaccine Nonsense—He’s Bankrolling It
In Austin, he posed for backstage photos with Texas’ anti-vax-mandate Gov. Greg Abbott, known for his attacks on abortion and voting rights. The sight of Clapton in backstage photos with the notorious governor amounted to a deal killer for some: “I just deleted all my Clapton songs,” went one comment on Abbott’s Twitter feed, along with, “A Kid Rock type with better guitar skills. Done with him.”
Sharing these things likely somewhat helps meet our need to be connected to what's going on in the world. There are so many stories out there like this one. Often I wonder how to know what to really hold onto strongly. I imagine our social media driving us all to conflict, and then turning around and freeing us to follow our lives as we prefer.