"am also cherokee for instancei"... uh huh and in an earlier mail you said: "when my people hunted buffalo in the plains" what fucking plains exist in north carolina, south carolina, georgia or alabama or florida is what I would like to fucking know... Cherokees were part of the five civilized tribes originally from those states till the "trail of tears" to the oklahoma terrotiry where the remaining surviving Cherokee, Chickasaw, Choctaw, Creek, and Seminole were placed on reservation(Indian territory). (my melungugeon/choctaw father came from same). . ALL of these tribes are southeast indian tribes for the unknowledgeable.no plains near the southeastern states. NONE of these tribes inhabited the plains with buffalo. such is a complete fiction spun out of whole cloth by what is now revealed to be a LIAR... gettin JUST like usenet I would say.. fucking fakes... if your ancestors were in fact enrolled members of one of the 5 civilized tribes... why doesnt your family name appear on either the dawes(all 5 tribes) or the baker 1924 or the baker revised roll lists at http://www.accessgenealogy.com/native/final-rolls.htm Hint for fakes.. MY family name is there on card 220X..on the dawes treaty list... where the fuck is "machet" found?(it is NOT found I checked). Did you think EVERY one you meet would simply take your claim of indian ancestry without investigation? you are living in a dreamworld white girl... get off the drugs stop fantasizing and get thee to a therapist to find out why you cant seem to tell the truth. Consider this an interventon by reality and the truth... bitch ass white fucking cunt