‐‐‐‐‐‐‐ Original Message ‐‐‐‐‐‐‐ On Monday, October 28, 2019 9:54 PM, Steven Schear <schear.steve@gmail.com> wrote:
Unless a Snowden-like WB comes forward its quite unlikely to have internal documents admitting their limits. However, there are a number of relatively recent academic papers that look at this battle of limits from a jamming and other perspectives.
the least recommended method, but effective for certain! engage these sigint spooks and see what they've got. there was dirtbox deployed at Rio for DEF CON to catch some anons. loaded with custom exploits to stage always on Google Voice (open mic night) masquerade low power to encourage device to remain plugged in at room, PRL force pushes to prefer routes through middle towers, etc, etc. problem is when triggered by DHCP, you can DHCP RELAY for hundreds, maybe thousands! yes, you can fork bomb a dirtbox dead, if vuln like this :P one of many, find some yourself! best regards,