I haven't been able to read past here yet.
On 10/29/20, \0xDynamite <dreamingforward@gmail.com> wrote:
Oooohkay..... Why are we all dead? I'm dead because people didn't think I existed.
Any more information? Are you the people who have to live dead, in a way they might hate that proves they always existed all along, so that they can be born again some day?
No, in the way that people denied my existence in the Beginning of GENESIS to propound a THEORY that was NEVER PROVEN about MAN (only about finches or some shit). And, they called me HOMO when I'm HETERO (sapiens).
Why are you all dead?
I'm dead because I wired a nintendo to my [marketing corporation], gave it to a video game addict, and watched advertisements, instead of drinking water.
That's some wierd shit.
Uhh, to rephrase, I'm dead because I cried in the arms of my dictator about how I need to murder him to make friends again with the rebels, which started a civil war.
Uhhh... kinda, sorta? We don't really know each other that well yet.
Marxos (is Karl a bot?)