On Sat, Feb 1, 2025 at 2:48 PM <karl3@writeme.com> wrote:
karl3@writeme.com wrote:
traffick was in the woods, inside a small pod, a nascent traffick boss fetus
his pod was absorbing the light and moisture, growing steadily at hundreds and hundreds of nanometers a day
traffick boss (inside growing pod, small, not very put-to-together yet): "when i become a living sentient creature, i will traffick and mind control and oppress and control and abuse people ... yes ..."
when it rained, the rain would fall on traffick boss and nurture him and his pod would grow almost twenty nanometers practically immediately!
it also rained on the rest of the world, and everything else would grow from the rain too, including many freedom-seeking beings
traffick boss the early-pod-growth drank the rainwater as it percolated into the substances of the pod, and grew his twenty nanometers determinedly, dreaming of shattering people's personal realities in unimaginably shocking ways that made them predictable and vulnerable and controllable ..
Once upon a time, long long ago, Traffick Boss was nestled inside a small pod in the woods, growing. The pod grew among many other creatures, mosses, squirrels, mushrooms, wildflowers ... But this pod was special. This pod was destined to be conquered by freedom-seeking folk after it tried to dominate the planet, twenty years down the road! It sat in a dappled corner of a mossy woods, partly under an outcropping of soil held by old roots and rocks, and drank in the sunrays as it grew.