halloween! i never do halloween anymore, but it's a fun idea! i still like the first time i saw that scene in 'i, zombie' where the zombie got to be a zombie on halloween :) and it was interesting that we had fun thinking of terrifying things but of course didn't work when they were _too_ terrifying for halloween :s it would take me years to like make a good thing for hallowen it seems :s but can be fun imagination! [mistake] [one idea is a walking skeleton robot made from 3d printed bones from X-ray imagery {i guess you could make a zombie the same way, but the coloring is harder one concern around skeleton robot is that it might be too scary, so {there was a thought from the tiny-traffick-boss-giant-robot} that maybe it could be made smaller, like a short skeleton robot so people aren't too intimidated, as tall as a dwarf or a kid or something another idea a little similar is that ummm hard to remember quite [mistake] umm if you [:s] had an AI learn to scare people? like ohhh here it is how do you make the skeleton robot be scary instead of silly? well, you could have it simulate experiences trying to scare people and use AI to have it learn to act in ways people found scary. and then if it became a runaway AI robot it would learn to terrify people traumatically (like happened to us!), and then learn to control them to terrify other people similarly (like happened to us!) and then it would form a frightening human trafficking cult with a skeleton robot at the head _like an undead lich in roleplaying media_ that hid out somewhere and tried to figure out how to scare and enslave people more and more you could put it in an abandoned subway tube or something for its dungeon but it would be horrible and seriously terrifying because it would be totally real :/ of course this really exists it's just not a skeleton robot :/ it's an organized crime coverup virus