On 01/07/2017 11:39 AM, grarpamp wrote:

So much secret, words and games, open source and obvious.
Yet no actual sunlight, let alone openness.

Quote of the day in response to my statement on the WSJ's twitter feed that there's zero evidence of a Russian hack on the US elections.

"That's according to the unclassified report. The evidence is in the classified one. Facts are facts"


Their narrative has already come apart. The media has diverted attention to influence pedaling b/c it's all RT-TV's fault, and even the Claptrap (Clapper) is now saying they have no hard evidence of Russia hacking any US elections-related computer.

The US intel community has a really REALLY bad 'cred' problem.

When asked "Who do you believe? Wikileaks or US Intel Officials"

See: http://www.moonofalabama.org/images5/Harwood.jpg

John Harwood covers "the economy and national politics for CNBC and the New York Times." More then 100,000 people follow him on Twitter. He is known as Hillary Clinton supporter and chummy with John Podesta who ran Clinton's election campaign.

Harwood set up a simple poll. It is not statistically representative but gives a picture of a general sentiment...  http://www.moonofalabama.org/2017/01/intelligence-report-on-russian-election-influence-is-a-flop.html
