On 11/12/21, professor rat <pro2rat@yahoo.com.au> wrote:
13% of Americans still say they’ll “never” get vaccinated. That’s still a lot of dummies.
Says guy who goes around staking random people's heads, but now claims to be all about caring for their health/life, such hypocrisy... yet deadly force the noted meme in both. Just like GovCorp claims to care but has never in the entirety of GovCorp history ever treated humans as anything but inferior underling subject chattel slaves. Their choice to risk and die whatever disease they wish or not. Kudos to the 13% for taking a stand for their choices, and to those who choose to further defend themselves against such force, as is their right.
But it’s barely half of what the number was six months ago.
Sadly that is well documented proof of GovCorpMedia's deadly force and plan being applied to oppress freedom as usual. Equally sad that people cheer such oppression, especially since Corona has proven it does not care all that much about anyone's vax or mask or lockdown (just as any overlaid chart of lockdown and mask regime timeframe vs cases and deaths proves), and now having swept through all of society anyways (just like the common cold) such that any GovCorp claims as to any success of lockdown mask vax cannot really be made. And as with shilling up GovMilBank by falsely claiming more crypto electrons, fake an-archy-ist proposes physical and job and social violence to forcefully inject people. Typical socialist scum always trying to force freedom liberty back into their commune at point of death destruction street mayhem. And PalmerReport is a laughably weak copypaste wannabe, yet somehow deemed a worshippable speaker for and by the Leftists.