Is never finished, is math discovered or created, what is the human condition, do aliens love, why are there lessers and greaters.
Modern day indigenous folk, and their cultures, are on the verge of extinction (and mostly extinct), worldwide.
The land they inhabit is theirs, "civilization" should leave them, and everyone else, the fuck alone. Civilized and tilted anarcho-*'s proclaim, only there to "help". Non aggression may includes trickery, fraud, deceipt. Yet what lies behind a barter negotiated, a parchment signed, a treaty made, a price freely discovered.
what they need, to support defending
About 7.5 billion less humans infesting the planet. If indigenous are really lucky, Corona and WWIII will take care of that before those two, and the bulldozers, can get to them in turn.
As beget, is begot.
doctrines and ideologies Marxism
Religions missing from the list, well before Marx. Islam being yet another that easily murders those inhabiting "its" lands who publicly speak out against and refuse to comply. Travel those "violently" agitprop flaming gay marching sjw blm antifa pronoun even vanilla anarchist proselytizing selves to Brunei and similar to find out. Move there, quite the same opportunity to be and make the biggest free state Libertarian project difference in the world. Indigenous of the world, and all their descendants, should vote Democrat... they say they will give them reparations, hope and change. Maybe some other party will allow them to have guns to defend against invading infidels. And Religion will write the book to make it all kosher. Or not, check world history to see. What be the answer from science. Should the answer happen to be masked, just "pray" the aliens come and nuke the marble from orbit.