On Fri, 22 Sep 2017 19:30:42 +0000 (UTC) jim bell <jdb10987@yahoo.com> wrote:
Sometimes somebody gets a new idea.
And the new idea is based on (a lot of) old ideas. At best it's a new rearrangement of old elements. Especially in technical fields where valid ideas have to stick to physical/mathematical principles that are *not* invented, but discovered. And at any rate, even if an idea is 'very original'(TM), it doesn't follow that copyright and patents are legitimate. Also I'd expect libertarians to be well aware of the way intellectual property is 'abused' for non-libertarian purposes, like destroying competition and censorship. Though arguably it's not being abused because that's the true purpose of IP. Last but not least, intellectual property is mercantilistic monopoly with close ties to monarchy. As Mr. Quinn helpfully noted.
Jim Bell