Art Director/Designer: Pete Berge 
Copywriter: John Ferrell
Agency: Young & Rubicam, Inc. 
Client: Time, Inc./Life Magazine 

On the opposite page is the alternative to Life's 7 day fast close. 

Try to go national with your
advertising in a week's time without 
Life. Even if you could afford the
costs and overcome the complications,
you might still end up with no ad at all.

But there is Life. So you can be opportunistic. You can strike with 
your advertising when it can hit
the hardest. Or change signals at
seven days notice. In black and white, or full color.

It just points out that Life 
can accomplish easily what no other 
magazine can do at all. You take 
that for granted. But imagine a 
world without Life. 

What could replace it?

Life. Consider the alternative.