David, what are you are saying doesn't seem quite rational to me. Are you on the same page? Did you get my longer email that you didn't reply to? On Wed, Jun 30, 2021, 7:16 PM David Barrett <dbarrett@expensify.com> wrote:
On Wed, Jun 30, 2021 at 3:56 PM Karl <gmkarl@gmail.com> wrote:
2. The UK is currently holding him (and has been for 2 years) while
Assange appeals the extradition request
ThIs doesn't appear clear to me. The article says the USA has appealed the extradition request, after a judge denied it.
The US prosecutors lodged an appeal on 15 January.[460] <https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Julian_Assange#cite_note-460> A spokesman for the U.S. Department of Justice confirmed in mid-February 2021 that it would continue the appeal under the new Biden administration.[458 <https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Julian_Assange#cite_note-theduran.com-458>
Oh, that's a great clarification, thank you. Regardless, unless you are suggesting that the UK should offer no appeals process, I think it makes sense to let the UK courts follow its process.
Why is it you are saying this? Does anyone have a way to change their process? So he's by every legal and semantic definition in the UK prison by choice.
He can allow himself to be extradited to the US at any time.
He is in the UK as opposed to the US. The charges levied at him could imprison him longer than his lifespan in the US, so he probably doesn't think that extradition would free or benefit him or anything.
Just like Chelsea Manning. Who went free after 7 years, and was given credit for all her time in prison pre-trial.
==> is that normal? <== move 9? Is 7 years just if the person was trying to aid and protect everyone with all their heart? Now, it's true that he would prefer not to be in any prison. But it feels
like the US has a reasonable case against him that should be evaluated by a court (and the UK agrees).
Caps because your statement is ignoring the thread topic. I'm wondering if you're forgetting it.
The courts determine what is true and false evidence; that hasn't happened yet. If you are
This is only true within the confines of a trial. Do you believe juries define physical truth? so confident it's easily proven as false, why wouldn't Assange's attorney
be able to easily show that? The reality is, there is likely a
Because the prosecutor has had 10 years to form a case involving massive funding and documents provided by the resources of secret services, while assange is in prison unable to collect data, or unaware of the threat? wide range of evidence against him -- some false, some true, and there is a
process to figure out which is which. A process that the US is trying to follow, but that is being blocked -- currently by the UK. And that's fine. If the UK denies his extradition even after appeal, great. The system works. If the UK does not deny his extradition, and he goes to trial in the US, then great. The system works.
We're arguing a lot here and clearly come from different places. I don't see how we can ever know for sure whether the ruling of a court is correct. It's surprising to me that it's a point of argument. It's frustrating to disagree over our different conclusions. I suspect we've had different experiences that lead to them. Has the court system really protected you? I feel really scared when I read this Sturdin story, but also really full of hope, because my clear perception was that things like this happen a lot, and it rarely reaches the news. Among activism, people are often getting "entrapped" in various real and unreal ways, ending up in prison because somebody put effort into framing them. Our more caring, selfless people, have been ending up in prison =( Unless you feel there is literally no law that he could reasonably be said
to have broken --
such as aiding and abetting a fugitive by helping Snowden hide his tracks
while escaping, or collaborating with a convicted felon (Chelsea Manning) in publishing state secrets? I'm sure you would think that he has a reasonable defense against those, and if so, he should do great in court. But do you believe the court has truly no reasonable case to even hear?
Are you saying we should be certain to prosecute anyone who violates any
law? Does this include people working for governments?
Yes, I would support prosecuting anyone who breaks the law, including/especially those in the government. But whether or not someone else is tried is irrelevant to whether Assange should be tried.
Well, the people involved in falsifying evidence could likely reveal a lot of information helpful to justice around Assange. Doing this seems illegal to me. Is it illegal to coerce somebody to lie on the stand? Which case should be brought to court first, to find justice?