On 11/09/2016 09:56 PM, grarpamp wrote:
On Wed, Nov 9, 2016 at 2:13 PM, jim bell <jdb10987@yahoo.com> wrote:
"Chaos" is not identical to "change".  Nevertheless, "Chaos" is a state in
which there is very low resistance to change.
Speaking of chaos...

Seems to be a first for any US election.
Wonder who's behind it....

There were BIG protests when Nixon was inaugurated, and in '72 there was a counter-inauguration and riot in DC.

Not so much since then...

Here's something I wrote this morning to a person who attended a protest here... Just a couple of observations of the many I made that informed me we are Fuck-Ed in more ways than can be imagined:

"I'm sorry you participated in the system of your oppression and didn't get the oppressor you wanted.

(I'm going to boilerplate that. It'll save A LOT of typing today)

I heard someone speaking say "Don't mourn, Organize".

Listen... Joe Hill would have spit on Hillary Clinton, and Bernie? Hill would have boxed him down for even using the word "Socialist" in relation to himself.

The woman who said her family was from Syria spoke PERFECT English as she cried over her uncle who has to use a cane because of some unstated war related event. How did THAT happen? Hillary's State Department happened, and hired the Libyan goatfuckers to create a war in he uncle's country, while Bernie's baby, the F-35, is having it's wings made by Syria's enemy Israel... Israel is also one of the prime buyers for the F-35, that's undoubtedly going to cause a lot more Syrians to need canes, and body bags.

The lack of critical analysis by the people involved in the march was astounding, and depressing. Sickening really."


Ps Someone jested on twitter that Hillary supporters were buying assault rifles canned food and gold en masse, and the 'protest' (really a mutual grieving session) DID look a lot like a trump rally, Absolutely.

Apocalypse Trump, The Stimulator @Submedia-tv:
