On Tue, 22 Sep 2015 15:05:14 -0300
Brenda Fernández <me@brendafernandez.com> wrote:
> USG incompetence is hard to understand in these matters.
there isn't any incompetence involved.
> I have no
> idea why they fuck up like this,
right, you don't.
getting involved in a conflict,
> supporting a side their are against to fight against the other side
> they are supposedly also against, but always on paper, they will
> never go there be killed. So why involve yourself in the first place
> other than to destroy what remains of your reputations, what remains
> of your money and relevance? But it's interesting nonetheless, to
> watch and see them fall, which they've been invariably doing since
> Vietnam.
> On Tue, Sep 22, 2015 at 2:30 PM, Razer <Rayzer@riseup.net> wrote:
> > On 09/22/2015 05:26 AM, rysiek wrote:
> > > They are both fucked up, in many *different* (systemic racism in
> > > the US; systemic homophobia in Russia), and several *similar*
> > > ways (oligarchy
> > running
> > > things). And yet they are able to play us, because predominantly
> > > we
> > simply
> > > cannot see the bigger picture and cannot seem to understand
> > > *anything*
> > more
> > > complicated than the simplified beyond belief "USA BAD RUSSIA
> > > GOOD" (or
> > the
> > > other way around) worldview.
> >
> > For so many years now the geopolitical 'grand game' has been "Good
> > Cop/Bad Cop", "Mutt and "Jeff" played on the typically indigenous
> > people-d extractive resources nations (and in other ways against the
> > west's manufacturing satraps) by the US AND Russia. Either you pick
> > one side or the other or we have a war in YOUR country where YOUR
> > people get killed and your society/way of life destroyed. There are
> > no "nice guys". On the other hand I bristle when Syria's ally is
> > accused of warmongering for doing what allies are supposed to do.
> > Come to their defense in the traditional manner against an army of
> > mercenaries that the West claims on one hand to be fighting, and on
> > the other, had a large part in it's creation.
> >
> > Americans just sat idly by with their thumbs up their asses in
> > denial while the State Dept and CIA created AQv2 from the Libyans
> > we hired to sodomize Muammar al-Gadaffi with swords, and if the
> > Russians want to eradicate that threat to Syria and the region,
> > have at it.
> >
> >