In connection with using "encrypted, secure connection" Skype for Snowden's imagery at SXSW and TED, as well as encrypted comms with journalists and event organizers, what has led these comsec advisors to believe that all too vulnerable Skype is secure, as well as all too vulnerable popular crypto pushed for journalists? Is there any indication Snowden has deployed less vulnerable protections which have not been disclosed as backing for his encouragement to trust encryption and to allow Skype to finger his location and leak his comms? To be sure, many of his remarks seem to be carefully scripted for low-brow consumption characteristic of journalism. So there may be a secure back-channel being used with Skype and pop crypto as diversion. The low-brow slides, clips, short docs, redactions released by the media point to a deception of some sort yet to be disclosed until 25 years has passed. Hyperventilating press accounts of the releases suggest either deception, inexperience or technical ignorance or all. Still, that kind of misleading comsec deception would be commonplace security measures characterisitic of NSA and wizards -- to induce the flock to churn massive amount publicity about encrypted comms -- and Skype -- to camouflage the Tor, blacker and deeper comms, not to say the even blacker and deeper tools not seen by Snowden or not yet released. More sopisticated would be to use the small amount of NSA releases to cloak far greater distribution (a method used by WikiLeaks and the black market as well as the spy industry). That too would closer to what the big boys and girls do, and therefore would be exactly what they are watching for. Including watching for ploys to hide ploys. .