On 09/03/2016 12:07 PM, Xer0Dynamite wrote:
Then let me tell you: you didn't come from apes -- nobody did.
Dude! You insulted my family (guerrillas). Let's box MF! Rr
Read Hack the Law at hackerspaces wiki or New World Order, also at that site. Either the future is made BY us, or it is destroyed by US. Which is it?
While this may be true, and human / civilization may or may not yet be developed enough to be able to think or transcend any given thing,
Then let me tell you: you didn't come from apes -- nobody did. The fact that there are "DNA" similarities are because there was a human BEFORE mammals existed. The reason there is continual turmoil in the Middle East is because SCIENCE is trying to ERADICATE their TRUTHS. The all-seeing-eye is not from the same human stock as those of the West. In fact, there are at least THREE genii of men: homo, hetero, and amphi sapiens. (Which is probably why they started trying to tack on a SECOND sapiens onto homo: homo sapiens sapiens). We are NOT homo (for those of us who come from mothers).
just going on about some topic like polical schools of thought, without bringing any outcomes back to test and bear on what your're trying to transcend,
Well, now you have it.
is offtopic, and isn't going to get you anywhere enlightened anytime soon.