Hi Cari!  Hi Bastiani!  :D

Thank you very much for the kind suggestions!  <3

I was writing an answer to Juan, talking about 'sexism' and feminism, but decided to search about the relations about anarchism, feminism and also sexism.  I've found several references and different concepts, some of them a bit confuse and contraditory. 

So, it would be unfair to say Juan was wrong.  Some writers think he's right, but some anarcha-feminists say the 'sexism' really exists and use this exact word in their texts.  :P

After some reading, I thought it would be more logical to understand the anarchism decently, before analyzing its relations with feminism and, maybe, with 'sexism'.  Mental masturbation takes additional time, but is always fun, hihi!  :)

I've found different definitions of 'sexism' on internet and, being sincere, I thought some of them are so 'sexist' as the prejudice that they want to avoid.  There are some good, reasonable definitions, but most of them were very frustrating.  Meh!  Better to study a bit more and have my own personal beliefs.  :P

Lots of thankful little kisses, muuaaah!!!  :*

(Hum, it sounds tender and affectionate in Portuguese, but ridiculously cheesy and lovey-dovey in English, hahaha!!  <3)