Then again maybe I am missing the key reasoning for this fork.
People often miss the fundamental reasons Bitcoin exists, the various conjoined ethos behind its creation. This is to be expected, it's so far ouside any thinking or life process they've ever had to do or been exposed to. It's also partly why figuring out what to do or code or adopt, is hard. And certainly not made any easier by the long term need and the current value at stake. Creating a system in which a Botswanan can give a few bits of their impoverished wages to their friend in Mumbai without it being gated, permitted, hierarchied, middlemanned, taxed, tracked, stolen and feed-upon until pointless... this simply doesn't compute for these people. Their school of thought is centralization, profit, control and oppression. So of course they see txrate ramming up against an artificial wall as perfectly fine, it enables and perpetuates their legacy ways. Regardless of whichever technical way the various walls are torn down, what's important is that they are. And that those who are thinking outside the box do, and continue to, take time to school these legacy people such that they might someday become enlightened and join the ethos. Otherwise might as well work for ICBC, JPMC, HSBC, BNP, MUFG and your favorite government. Probably not as much fun though.