The title says it all - Assange, the publicity-seeker, though to some extent [1] a cryptowarrior, went through all this crap to avoid being extradited to Sweden to face rape charges. Trump and/or some US prosecutor fell into his trap, and decided to press charges about the Chelsea Manning thing. Thereby giving credibility to his claims. Which are bollocks, and the US charges should never have been laid. And he should not be deported to the US. Though he should have been deported to Sweden. [1] he was part of the Rubberhose team who "invented [2]" steganographic filing systems before Ross Anderson did. Though Ross's "invention" was more directed at the about-to-be UK government's RIPA bill which allowed forced disclosure of keys than a real claim to have invented steganographic filing systems de novo. I digress. Digressing again, there was a girl/woman in the Rubberhose thing who was really quite good - much better than Assange - but I don't remember her name. [2] More digression, of course they didn't invent it de novo, it was always there. They just wrote some software for it. It was the first software which used the concept, so it is credited with lots of stuff it doesn't deserve - but it turns out a steganographic filing system was entirely the wrong solution to the problem he was asked to solve, black activists in Africa, who would have been much better served with a remote-access-permission system. when I am soberer I might explain that, but it is too ugly for now. Peter Fairbrother