Sure, that works as well as any other initiative to avoid the classic and inevitably corrupt political parties. It too will become corrupt as inevitable with politics which is nothing but organized corruption which empowers itself to fuck the public dead as a wise person beautifully articulates the aim of politics. No political leader or party is worth supporting except to get in on the fucking. And as with other political parties, the WikiLeaks party is enlisting adherents with the same classical and corrupt methods: an opportunistic, eloquent, mesmerizing star surrounded and advocated by the most venal of advisors, funders, lawyers, promoters, shills, double-crossers, lobbyists, thugs, rats, snakes, vermin, scum, thieves, liars, cheats, priests, apologists, yellow-red-blue dogs, magicians, whores, cunts, dicks, pussies, vultures, hyenas, racists, sexists, on into the thousands and then millions of fuckers eager to kill, hurt, steal, and savage those less organized to do unto others under a banner of beneficience, rooting out corruption, protecting the weak, punishing the powerful, making the world a better place. Cryptoanarchy is an alternative to politics, a deadly enemy, disorganized, any one of a cryptoanarchist is a politician's worst nightmare, inside the organization, the most trusted, the most likely to fuck the star dead. As Schwarz and Assange has found, along with Manning, Snowden, Anonymous, Lulzsec, Sabu, Tor, Lavabit, Silent Circle, among many in jail, indicted, exiled, tortured, disappeared. Others went to the other side for officially assured continual fucking. At 06:01 AM 8/17/2013, you wrote:
While I'm American, I've been paying close attention to the Wikileaks Party in Australia. Could it be the political embodiment of the cypherpunk movement?
Regardless of what some think of Julian Assange, he certainly holds true to the cp ethic and the parties belief in accountability, privacy, and justice, seem well aligned with the movement.
So what do you think? Is their finally a political party more closely aligned with the cypherpunk ideal than the Libertarians?
Regards, CryptoFreak