On Sun, 4 Dec 2016 05:20:10 -0600 "Shawn K. Quinn" <skquinn@rushpost.com> wrote:
Mr. Harkness,
I refuse to engage in debate with anyone who is willing to basically say they approve of the KKK
Shawn, you are an american statist. The KKK is just a tiny fraction of the nazi state you fully support. *Your* whining about the KKK is the ultimate form of unintentional self-parody. That said, you are right in that any correct point Zen may make will tend to be overlooked by the fact that he takes a fucktard like duke seriously. Then again, you are in no position to complain since you do the same thing he does, but to an even bigger extent.
and the type of hate they are involved in.
As opposed to the the type of hate an americunt nazi like you support. Pot, kettle. Tell me Shawn, how many nazi states had slavery, seggregation and have the highest incarceration rate on the planet?
If you are willing to apologize and completely disavow your association with known racists and bigots such as David Duke, I might reconsider.
Honestly, you're damn close to being the poster child for the reason we need moderation on this list. (Not censorship, moderation.)