On Thu, 29 Sep 2016 05:36:26 -0000 xorcist@sigaint.org wrote:
I don't know what you're talking about. Then again, neither do you.
What can I say, you get me so flustered, its tough to think with you around, hot pants.
What was your last display of buddhist stupidity? Ah yes, "bluecore". Oh, and you wouldn't work for BAE...except when they fight 'opressive governments' perhaps...
Linear thinkers are so predictable. You really should spend some time on 7+10=5. It would pay off more.
mate, you can't seriously expect me to play along with your striking lack of basic intellectual honesty =) You can't seriously expect me to take your retarded, I mean, 'mentally-superior-therefore-inconsistent' ramblings even half seriously...
And BAE doesn't fight anyone. They simply supply to those who do. And I don't work with, or get involved with militaries, their suppliers, or their flunkies.
I do, however, contract with a variety of firms, from time to time.
mate, as far as I'm concerned, you are just a cheap liar, exactly like your idol derren brown. So I take whatever you post as mild entertainment...once in a while.
Sometimes in less than prestigious industries, like marketing. Sometimes, far more interesting areas.
You can hold that against me, if you choose, but I'd expect something different from a good Adam Smith libertarian. Then again, we both know you don't believe that.
What is that you know I don't believe?
You're too wet pants scared to believe in anything. That's OK honey, I'll rock you to sleep and sing you a lullaby.