7 Feb
7 Feb
11:47 p.m.
PS. Vol 84,#18 01/26/2017 08:30 AM The LI(E)_BERTARIAN A LIE promoted as "TRUTH"...... remains a LIE. ~Ben Morea, Motherfucker... Motherfucker. http://e-blast.squarespace.com/journal/2017/1/26/vol-8418.html "Anarchist Libertarian" has to be the BIGGEST FUCKING CROCK OF SHIT ever put in two words. Self-interested political trash can NEVER be an anarchist. Shapeshifting fascism warping terminology ... Like "Bannon, Leninist" or that cunt 'journalist' Neocon who kicked off a few years ago and his claim to be a "Trotskyist" Go snivel on the Argentine troll's lapel about it. It thinks it's one too.