On Sat, Jun 5, 2021, 1:35 AM <JohnWilliamJohnson@secmail.pro> wrote:
On Thu, Jun 3, 2021, 11:46 PM <JohnWilliamJohnson@secmail.pro> wrote:
How does this differ from in-chain tokens like erc-20? https://ethereum.org/en/developers/docs/standards/tokens/erc-20/
ERC-20 tokens are pretty popular and have a big exchange economy already.
Yes, of course, it can be implemented on the ERC-20 tokens (I mean such altcoins). But it is necessary to take into account the moment the accrual of the mining awards, as it will be necessary to pay the commission. For example, the output to the overall blockchain can be done deferred and possible when accumulating a certain amount (this is one of the solutions). This solution can be implemented and using smartphones. It is strange that it is still not realized. Does the business do not have the concept of the general structure of the digital economy or have attempted?
Do you mean sidechains or tokens that have their own mining rewards or their own economic algorithm, or do you mean opportunities to mine one chain using a smart contract on another? You can see all sorts of developments and opportunities at https://gitcoin.co/ .