On Mon, Aug 19, 2013 at 6:24 PM, Lodewijk andré de la porte <l@odewijk.nl> wrote:

And regarding blackhatting all nooblet users, yeah I kinda think that's actually a fairly legitimate argument. If only things went bad all the time people would care more about security. Simplistic worldviews. If only they were ever real.

To be clear, I was joking, earlier. Well, mostly.

Aside from that, you're right about just about all of your points. It's fun, running your own mail server and being blacklisted -- more accurately, not whitelisted -- and having outgoing mail dropped silently. Or connecting to my home mail server from a client site. "Trying to connect", that is, because the client's firewall blocks everything not specifically allowed. Gmail is allowed. Steves-home-server is not. And so on. I just go with gmail for most things despite the philosophical and technical problems. I'll use methods other than email for anything sensitive, or point people at my own server if needed, or worst case encrypt the email. (That's a worst case because email encryption seems to be beyond the ability of 90% of everyone. I still haven't figured out whether that means that email encryption is too difficult to set up and use or it means that most everyone is mostly too stupid.)

Neca eos omnes. Deus suos agnoscet. -- Arnaud-Amaury, 1209