On Tue, 30 Nov 2021 04:07:24 +0000 (UTC) dead turd <pro2rat@yahoo.com.au> vomited:
isn't that funny? "nature" is the stupid, corrupt to the core joke that published Mullis 'paper' mocking piece of shit 'cosmologists' and their piece of shit Science (hey Jim!) When Mullis was 23, a student of biochemistry, and had the hobby of synthetizing psychedelics and taking them, he wrote a 'paper' about "half the matter in the universe travelling backwards in time" or somesuch insane fraudulent nonsense(aka 'cosmology')...and the nature turds published it! And here it still is : "Published: 18 May 1968 Cosmological Significance of Time Reversal" https://www.nature.com/articles/218663b0 When Mullis sent a 'paper' to nature about his PCR invention, the nature turds DIDN'T publish it =) - PCR is of course the reason why Mullis got the nobel prize for chemistry.