Very disappointing of course. Except that some ground for unconstitutionality can be fairly raised (how can "failure to allow vote counting monitors" (and boarding up the windows) be remotely constitutional?), then it appears that the USA, and therefore much of the west, is about to be fed a large dose of socialism (i.e. neo-communism). This is quite unfortunate, but on the other hand should speed up the US dollar collapse. Yay for the end of the empire, not so yay for the good people of North America. This is the low IQ individuals getting their way, so clueless that they have no idea what's coming. Biden: "I'm so sick of smart people." AOC: "Having to work again? We are NOT going back to that!" The outcome is still uncertain, but a very disappointing result in any case... Seems many folks simply won't learn without hardship. On Thu, Nov 05, 2020 at 03:38:18AM +0000, jim bell wrote:
Well, it looks like I spoke too soon! However, the 'consolation prize' is that it is so obvious that a 'coup' is attempted that I am satisfied that a segment of the public will be outraged. The people at the FBI and DOJ who deliberately failed to properly investigate Biden's fraud, and failed to publicize it, can be investigated by hearings in the Senate.
Jim Bell On Tuesday, November 3, 2020, 11:02:35 PM PST, jim bell <> wrote:
Fortunately, "the coup" was stopped. But it wasn't the coup some people anticipated. In 2016, the leadership of the FBI attempted a coup, by the trick of refusing to prosecute Hitlery Clinton for violations of the Espionage Act. Comey knew that if Hitlery had been indicted, she definitely would have lost. He hoped that by not indicting Hitlery, she might win. He chose the only path available to him that might let her win. Yet, she didn't win, anyway. That's why I called that an "attempted coup". In December 2019, the FBI was given a computer laptop which contained Hunter Biden's hard drive information. The public only learned of this information in late September 2020, which seemed to be too late to expose what Joe and Hunter Biden had been doing, playing footsie with Ukraine and China. So by concealing this information, once again the FBI tried to stage a coup, hoping that the public would only learn, too late, how this crook had been foisted on them. I can only assume that the public smelled a rat, and decided that they didn't dare give control of the Federal government to Joe Biden for four years. Not incidentally, on Election Day, Joe Biden confused the names of his two granddaughters, and introduced one of them as his dead son, Beau Biden. And this guy wanted us to give his finger authority over the nuclear button! What unmitigated gall! I'm proud to have voted...for Jo Jorgensen, the Libertarian candidate. (I live in Washington state, which as I write this Yahoo/AP said went 61% for Biden.) No, Jo didn't win, but the public didn't lose nearly as badly as it could have. Coup averted. Jim Bell