John Young <> wrote:

Can an openly avowed combat on the technologies of political
control (1) work or will it be demonized, fought by secret
underhanded means? Public debate deployed as a ruse in
the 1990s as now.

(1) An Appraisal of the Technologies of Political Control

i was having difficulty understanding what was meant or implied
by the use of 'combat _on the technologies of political control',

if this is 'combat against' the technologies, or combat using the
the technologies, in that they function as weapons platforms and
could be leveraged this way. (perhaps it is both-and &or either-or)

an example related to this, in terms of an existing interpretative
gap that was referenced in relation to the 30c3 presentation, is
that a category like "signals intelligence" can be understood in
a confined framework reliant upon certain known technologies,
and thus a context is established by standardizing this belief

such that signals intelligence may relate to computers and-or
conversations, encryption, and accessing various such signals

i think what is missing in this default view is, again, the context
of evaluation that may be predetermined to a larger extent, thus
formatting views and beliefs and reasoning, the frameworks used
for analysis and conversation and relation about such dynamics,
underlying issues, to gauge and discern whatever truth is made
accessible within those constraints and parameters. yet it may
also be overly limiting, reliant upon narrow categorization that
occludes or leaves out other relevant and vital information/data

such that 'signals intelligence' likely also co-exists in a context
of human physiology, and that those signals are highest value
in terms of behavioral control and modification, via surveillance
that moves into active attacks against targets (using wireless)

thus, a question regarding neurology and mass surveillance is
squarely located in a context of signals intelligence as it relates
to hacking human physiology and psychology and "intelligence"
in the literal- to include both brainwave signals and nerve paths
and signals of the body, the nervous system as this platform

therefore, signals intelligence without neurology is missing the
major salient at the front line of this war, the context involving
drugs both prescribed and 'illegal' yet managed by hegemons,
and thus psychiatry and neurology and other fields/disciplines
are likely structurally involved in unaccounted for dimensions
of mass surveillance as these systems are weaponized and
used for remote control management via secret methodology

this can be related as a condition to culture, how awareness
is and is not developed within certain parameters, as to how
'categories' exist, such as crypto or computer science, these
separate from medical school issues in a university context,
unless those specialists somehow bridge the gap within an
interdisciplinary framework, which likely would be secretive,
especially if it goes against rules, law, human rights, etc, in
a context of war of terror, war of drugs, war by psychiatrists
and war by neurologists against noncompliant citizenry, etc

the issue then of 'excavating the present' in a wider or larger
context than may be normalized and standardized, to make
sense of known parameters that exceed existing boundaries
of established ideology within a field or discipline, this very
'fixed-idea' of something then bounding/narrow interpretation,
unquestioning, censored or disallowed or uninquisitiveness
then becoming its own security by keeping out anomalies
to attain unrealistic clean-room analysis more and more
detached from reality and realistic accounting, instead
more about shaping a worldview that could be inaccurate
or limited or bounded to a certain interpretation that is
part of the problem, an incapacity to relate to what exists
in the terms it exists in, which can be both a problem of
language and also of consciousness, though involves the
way thinking occurs, reasoning, processing of information
in given frameworks, perhaps not as accurate as believed

the school system and institutions of education reinforcing
this, programming or formatting ideology beliefs that then
support this faulty framework, normalized, require its view
for relation, exchange, debate, social dynamics, hierarchy,
which instills, relies upon and defends a false perspective
as if by default the most accurate view of 'reality' because
it is shared, operative, used as the common language and
viewpoint for further programming, as if of common value,
yet this value is in pattern-matching of language (sign=sign)
and does not involve grounding this language with truth itself
(sign=truth). in this way, an illusion is involved that becomes
'consciousness' of shared language as if this is shared truth,
simply by communicating beliefs that if matched are true.

it is a fallacy, a massive self-deception of civilization itself,
most individuals operating within these parameters by default
and trained to do so, after being indoctrinated and formatted
by the education system into the correct belief that defer and
serve this false authority which ignores and denies other truth
outside the prevailing opinions that serve this private reasoning

i keep trying to write to this idea, yet it is difficult to access
without seeming out-of-place... it is that this default condition
involves the issue of context, what is perceived to already exist,
though when widening this framework to include other 'hidden'
or unsupported or unacknowledged or unallowed dimensions
and parameters, it then _recontextualizes the situation within
a wider range and realm of inquiry and interpretation that, if
structural, would provide more data to test and modify given
hypotheses and would allow more realistic frameworks for
issues involved, such that 'computing' is not a separate realm
from other disciplines, nor architecture, nor linguistics, etc.

and there is this aspect, this taking account of the existing
situation that is equivalent in some sense to archaeology, in
that it is dealing with fragments and assemblages, structures
and connections, layers and analyses across large spans of
time and geographies that can include shared &or unshared
cultural traits, in this way typologies such as pottery can be
interpreted distinctly within a given culture yet likewise share
attributes or skills with other development in other cultures,
and these relations map into the artifacts, documenting the
relations between peoples and beliefs and practices, as it
is written within aesthetics, plans, rituals, peoples, and
their organization and development. thus to delve into this
realm of context and recontextualization involves opening
up a wider framework or scaffolding and testing hypotheses
and evaluating situations and analysing them in comparison
to other cultures, times, places, to learn what attributes are
common, structural, providing information in their presence
within the assemblage, what this divulges about practices,
from known data, modeling, other research, excavations
and larger hypothesis. (this instead of just focusing upon
fragments in a given context as if the universal viewpoint,
and as it relates to disciplines separated into categories
that may be more about signage than the truth involved).

so, what if everyone is educated in 'history' that is devoid
of accounts of this predominant 20th c. technology in the
present day, that people are using as tools & that form the
basis for employment, career, livelihoods, social relations.
it is like having someone document or analyse the bronze
age without mentioning the role of metals in this situation;
yet that is how the school system functions in its ideology,
technology is made contextless, it does not relate within a
traditional model of history except as servant to 'our goals'
instead of defining and determining them as its own ideology,
that technical values replace human values, and thus, binary
processing of computers the ideal thinking for humans in an
educational system where memorization and playback of
known variables and data are core skills for peoples now
dumbed down to machine-functioning, trained for this as
if higher evaluation, the ability to repeat others beliefs in
a conformist approach to authority, hierarchical authority
where 'truths' are known because of pattern matching of
language, never accessing/addressing logical evaluation
beyond the binary, making all thought superficial, hollow
as it relates to, through, extends this systematic POV
that becomes the basis for social relations, exchange,
development, the ideology of culture, tools themselves

-- in this way the following excerpt...

"The concept of technology has many and varied interpretations. As emphasised in the interim report (Omega 1996), the definition adopted for the purposes of this work encompasses not just the 'hardware' - the tools, instruments, machines, appliances, weapons and gadgets (i.e. the apparatus of technical performance); but also the associated standard operating procedures, routines, skills, techniques (the software); and the related forms of rationalised human social organisations, arrangements, systems and networks (the liveware) of any programme of political control.2 In other words, it is insufficient to describe developments in a purely technical sense, it is also necessary to consider these technologies as social and political factors.3  (1)

what stands in the way of signals intelligence being related
to reading minds via wi-fi and cellular towers in a weaponized
infrastructure of mass surveillance, illegal, hostile to citizenry,
in addition to manipulation of nervous systems for behavioral
modification and brute-force training (discipline & punishment)
of 'circus animals', captives of the hidden ideological oppressor

what stands between signals analysis in an ordinary computer
context of hacking and cracking and phreaking (still relevant...)
as it relates to neurology, psychology, psychiatry, biology, and
chemistry, as these combine in the same wireless infrastructure
in terms of 'signals analysis' and exploitation of brain and body
signaling, including to destroy equipment (read: people) via the
attacks, the programming, code, routines, flaws, etc. why is it
not possible to _reason within this framework if it does exist,
yet is not within the ordinary domain of tools and equipment
because it is illegal and secretive, what limits prevent such
issues from being communicated about if not the way people
think about situations, what viewpoint is used, what is or is
not excavated as part of the evaluation, compared structurally

signals go further than binary code and encryption goes into
nature itself, DNA a major example though also systems, the
natural infrastructure of life, of cells and molecular dynamics
that also can be programmed, manipulated, including wirelessly
and yet this viewpoint has been made illegal within the schools
to consider outside a realm of expertise, from any discipline
other than those involved, and if secret or hidden work, then it
is especially off-limits, presumed to benefit the combined state
in its highest (read: lowest) purposes, 'faith-based' zero-doubt,
just conform and follow and extend the system to benefit all,
those just like the self. those who fit in, do their jobs, etc.
even if evil, attacking citizens, functioning against truth.

the issues of morality and ethics in relation to technology,
a context entirely missing from accounting for such "progress"
and thus friction free, the furthered development of this ideology

thinkers Lewis Mumford and Jacques Ellul both addressed this
condition, the former in terms of 'technics' in civilization and the
latter in terms of 'techinque' as these relate to the concept of
"technology". that the fragmentary viewpoint is not inclusive
of vital information and observations about how it actually exists
and functions, from earliest tool use to the most advanced tools
of the present-day, including those exceeding human capacities
in normal contexts, whether equipment for moving/altering things
or processing of data on a scale unimaginable except in terms
of the omniscience of a godhead, now that becomes 'the state',
yet based on flawed binary evaluation, throwing out unlikeable
truth, relying on pseudo-truth, warp, skew, bias, as viewpoint,
then universalizing this, it becomes the shared codebase and
yet moves further and further away from truth, goodness, reality
and instead substitutes it with another lesser version of artifice

so the idea of context, recontextualization, the archaeological
aspect of spacetime & place, considering a situation within a
certain set of parameters and terms and then reinterpreting it
anew in a new framework (electromagnetism and civilization)

what this allows is taking an issue like 'signal analysis' and
mapping it into the larger framework it actually exists within,
empirically, in a larger interdisciplinary context where its truth
resides in terms of known parameters for such analysis, in that
'intelligence' is more than encoded data on computers, and it is
more raw in terms of brainwaves and nerve signaling in terms of
what it effects, prime movers of relations instead of representative
data, why capture written text if you can access thoughts within
the brain directly via infrastructure, or why worry about what a
person may do if you could program what they do via behavioral
influence, say forcing their nerves to fire in a given way that then
causes them to turn a steering wheel and drive off the road, etc.
this kind of thing is going on, it is normalized, yet not 'discussed'
as part of the same infrastructure, same context, in parallel with
issues of breaking computer tools: breaking, destroying people,
surveilling their very thoughts and actions via marionette data-
attachments, highly toxic connections, abuse-based relations
that can be exploited to n-degrees because they are hidden
and unacknowledged in 'proper discourse', as if only "crazy"
when instead a structural evil undermining all human activity,
the deeper situation that exists, the dark forces involved here

Is that technological attack on the political, financial, legal
hegemon likely to succeed? Or will the crackdown on
armed (technological) dissent become as violent as it has
in the past?

a question may be: how is a person grounded in their thoughts
and beliefs. do they have an accurate view of the situation and
within what parameters. will an attack force a new awareness
that does not fit the belief system, such that 'paranormal' must
now be accommodated or grounded, yet without the ability to do
so, madness and pills could be forced for those 'hearing voices'
or becoming suicidal via subliminal influences, etc. those who
think they have it figured out, rationalized, yet do not have their
thinking straight, that is, for dealing with paradox, how empirical
truth and relativism function in terms of perspective and logic,
and the ability to reason and see clearly beyond own beliefs,
such that the self is fallible, may not be correct in ideology or
assumptions about functioning, and have to adapt or learn or
question anew, loss of ego and 'superior consciousness' as if
single relativistic viewpoints encompass everything accurately,
in particular issues like security, crypto, computing, hacking,
that only those parameters are enough to grok the situation
versus requiring generalist skills, thinking skills prior to this
as the foundation for awareness, relations, exchange, work

the danger is not in being wrong, it is in obediently serving
falsity and not recognizing it, and this can be narcissistic, as
if the self alone as a fragment knows more than the integrated
and combined whole of awareness, now divided, thus the task
of linking views together via logic, structures, to allow empiric
processing and relations, securing truth in self and with others
and building from this foundation, armature, entablature, state

the role of organization is not simply a rule-based formulaic
that conjures higher awareness simply by organizing things,
it must involve at its core the securing of truth, this accuracy,
for this organization to be effective and made real as a model

without truth, without advanced logical reasoning, impossible

and yet instead what is mediated instead of ideas in their truth
is language, the signage, as if simply performing calculations
upon this signage is that truth, which is a false perspective of
programming and code as ideology, as facade and illusion

just like considering mass surveillance only in the accepted
parameters and domains of consumer technology versus its
wide-open range of influence based on research and studies
into capacities in other weaponized and technical contexts,
that are also active and deployed in a larger parallel situation
involving covert operations, the government against its people

this is not occurring within the viewable realm of PHP or some
other limiting framework or dynamic. it is vastly larger than any
detail or fragment or model or belief in ordinary 'legitimized' views
that serve this same subverted ordering, by extending it further.
it may have some aspect of code or programming or similarity
in structure, yet may exist unaccounted for in the traditional
or known model in the given culture of consumer technology,
outside or beyond its capacities yet leveraging the skills and
_techniques that exist as parameters and dimensions that
can likewise involve crypto, hacking, cracking, phreaking..
(subversion of brain and body comms, inner and relational)

so how do you move from not being able to talk about this in
realistic terms to being able to communicate directly about
such a condition, if there are few fragements to piece together
a larger picture or view, or that not enough digging has occurred
or not enough discoveries, or people are looking in the wrong
places or analysis is not including vital data and research of
these issues (cf. removing and denying electromagnetism its
role within culture, civilization, & 'history', to include the state
and its legal framework, the Constitution, exchange, relations
of people, our organization, thinking, modeled existence, etc)

the normalization of the ideology of science and pseudo-atheistic
viewpoint forbid the following reasoning by regular censorship, in
that such ideas are not allowed, completely disregarded as if
irrelevant, and thus narrowing of context allows false view to be
shared as if universal when based on warped, relativistic frame
then normalized, reliant on errors, beliefs, opinion structuralized...


A singular feature of hegemons is that they are dominated by
"self-regulating organizations" which set the terms and conditions
of the ruling entity, assure enforcement of the rules, and perpetuate
themselves under "self-regulation."

These are successors of royalty which instead of divine right,
backed by military power, they invoke the "Constitution," a law
which distinctively empowers "lawful" behavior according to the
rules of the hegemon.

No wonder the US promotes constitutional government around
the planet, backed by military power, most often by denigrating
other forms of government.

A striking parallel is the rise of the clerics in Europe as an alternative
to religious hegemons. From clerics came lawyerly self-regulating
hegemons. A new religion hidden within supremacist judges' black

this pretty much says it- without naming it. what this context
also involves, and perhaps some people are not aware of these
dimensions, is that the Catholic church is at its core based within
philosophy (as with Judaism and also Muslims). the ideas of Plato
a major role in the development of institutions, including the Church.
that _metaphysics are not separated from this, rituals, etc. that there
could be very advanced awareness involved in a particular approach
that carries over millennia and centuries, such that a local move is
not just a fragment, and instead part of a larger cosmic assemblage

so, the idea that truth is central to certain institutions, its core, as
this relates to issues of governance, strategy, education, perhaps
to include communications, moving into the ambiguity of today, a
momentary instance in a larger, longer expanse of considerations

thus, the role of libraries and astronomy, Moses as an electrician,
Ark of the Covenant having electrostatic properties, etc. as this also
relates to issues of religion, cultural development, space-time place

the importance of science and technology and how it overtakes and
eventually overtakes the model of the state as governor, mediator,
and replaces human-tending values with machine-based values

the issue of categorization seemingly involving institutionalization
of Aristotelian worldview as basis for teaching via categorization,
if not mistaken, versus Platonic, this also splitting with saints and
others who developed the church, its teaching, organization, etc.

the potential takeaway or ponderable from this is that 'reasoning'
was split between what could and could not be managed within
relations - and within language - for addressing these dynamic
and changing conditions, as it relates to scientific awareness of
a particular domain that then replaces the ideology of the church
with the ideology of science & technology, as this new church of
the state, its belief system, canon, dogma, ideology, and worship

consider that the core of the western church is this relation with
higher truth, truth itself. and that 'the metaphysics' that extend or
operate beyond the limits of science or remain undefined and-or
unacknowledged by them still too can exist, in their truth, even
if not validated in a given framework. why this is mentioned is that
religion has a foundation in philosophy, in the accuracy of ideas
in terms of their evaluation and understanding for the situation
that most actually exists. thus, knowledge could remain hidden
yet still be active and very real, though unaccounted for within
the existing models or even language, yet no less real than,
say, technology or equipment or tools. in that _techniques
may exist that are equivalent to this, various processes, and
in this way alchemy and magic and other dimensions could
also co-exist alongside that of scientific sorcery likewise

what is intended to be conveyed in this is a recontextualization
for issues of crypto, security, communications, 'shared truth',
political power, the state, in this context that precedes existing
development (and to include a wider frame than western european,
including other religions and civilizations now merging into what
is 'the world' or earth as realm of awareness, governance, and
issues of shared organization, common order, and so on.)

and thus to break it down, it would be to consider 'religions' in
the framework of a 'one true religion' once mentioned, that this
could involve integrating truth as it is separated, verifying and
acknowledging its existence, incorporating it in a shared model
of awareness, and thus 'truth' really is the core of this religion
that is itself philosophy and not -private- in the traditional sense
where relativistic private opinion determine moral and ethical
frameworks, and instead that these are public issues and they
have relevance to every individual and the larger combined whole,
especially if not observed or agreed upon, as the condition today

what was once whole become fragmented, yet the truth that is
shared remains like an entangled connection, within relations,
as consciousness and awareness of certain shared principles
that map to being human, versus serving nothingness as ideal

it is also to include that the Bible (bibles) themselves are known
to be related to code, encoded though also cryptic, believed to
have within them encrypted information and knowledge about
the cosmos, that this could be occurring on many levels and
in many kinds of analyses, though may likewise involve more
than simply obeying the language and instead, considering it
in terms of whatever truth it may hold, how this is evaluated or
discerned or considered or disregarded, in what ways it could
be related to or through, the book as medium, the institution
and yet within it, the ideas and concepts and relations it also
defines, parameters, dimensions, principles, ideals, goals,
and especially with holy works, lessons, instructions, vision
a way of cultivating awareness, understanding, values based
on what is and is not valued and interpretation differs widely

(for instance, some may believe it is all about subversion and
a ploy and thus pretend to follow while reading/writing relations
in that framework that is supported, as if Manicheanistic forces
of darkness and light contained in its metaphysical framework,
the devil of the Godfather structurally related to the Saints and
a counterbalancing force, there is much to spiritual instruction
that goes beyond simply following rules without questioning or
understanding- it is all about questioning, testing, and learning,
applying the self in relation to truth, in service to higher truth)

so the idea that crypto with computers is the defining parameter
for the present in a non-religious world context could itself be a
limiting belief that is inaccurate for the dynamics at work & play;
to include wars, massive pornography, lawlessness, criminality
as this maps to forces of good/evil in service to truth that may
be managing these dynamics in hidden terms, in service to the
larger goals and agenda, creating cultural frameworks that allow
certain development to occur via long-term strategic planning,
to include say the rise of drugs and the counterculture as this
relates to the CIA, or rise of bondage and alternative sexuality;
it could be thoroughly invested in a covert culture operation of
millennia old metaphysical processes (including programming
via alchemical processes on a scale of society and civilization)
and this organization could be orchestrated in that larger context,
as with horror movies and other dynamics, including education
where even within the rote model of ideological instruction, other
principles could still be transmitted and passed on from teacher
to student, and be sustained as consciousness, even while the
students may be turned into robots via behavioral formatting

there is more than one context to the drug war, war of terror,
etc. and so how someone evaluates these situations in terms
of their parameters, what is active, what is ignored as relevant,
then influences the relation, communications, consciousness

it seems also, as with religion, those people who observe and
serve higher truth are not enemies of one another in most cases,
which is perhaps the very basis for civility, scaled to civilization;
how difference and similarity span across many-faceted culture

all of this to then consider the split from the Catholic church
via the Protestant reformation, which could have involved some
dimensions not accounted for in normal views, that it may have
been a deception operation at its core or served certain principles
that functioned against a higher truth and was a contest of views;
the result of this in centuries of development appears to be that
the focus on philosophy and metaphysics, the core truth of the
church, was replaced by a focus on its language, of the bible as
a relativistically interpreted document whose interpretation was
based on many-viewpoints that offered a variety of authorities to
choose from, for how beliefs would align with given principles,
themselves that may have been subtle, requiring a foundation
in ideas than in simple acts of processing and communicating

in this way, the truth of the sign was replaced, substituted by
this sign of truth as the communication of signage itself, this
matching of the pattern, even if ungrounded from its actuality
and existence as truth (i.e. sign=sign replaces sign=truth).

there is no quicker way to legitimizing a view that money is
truth than equating its material influence or immediate effect
upon the senses as this highest truth, this highest power, or
supreme cause - perhaps only to those who are unbelievers,
in that they do not recognize truth outside of this construct,
devoid of its philosophical depth or attachment to the world
and nature and values, beyond how it benefits their own self

in this way, relativistic truth can trump any other, and stand-in
for thinking or ideas as processing of information, parsing of
data, yet remain detached from larger accountability or truth
than that narrow range defined and upheld, made standard
and normalized as culture. and set against human values.

this same ideology is that of the education system and most
all institutions in their managerial and business focus, as the
issues of culture, economic/social/political become about and
are defined by issues of money, primarily, first and foremost,
it as value system, the basis for principles, relations, exchange

prime mover, where its currency does not have truth at its core
and instead 'nothing' that is maintained as a shared belief, POV

thus maintaining this belief, this false universal perspective of
bias and injustice, then requires censorship, not allowing other
views that challenge the power of the language to control what
is perceived or the terms of its evaluation- 'interpretation'. in this
way, hermeneutics of today, of the corrupt state, are those of
an atheistic Protestantism that governs over the population and
controls the political, social, economic, and cultural domains
as managers and exploiters for the benefit of that value system

truth is not this singular value: money is. essentially- shit.

from there, issues of sexual and other politics, as shared view,
aligned with certain principles, practices, organization, & so on

Enough of lawful self-regulation in secrecy, unpunishable by
lawful means. Justice is out of control, prison populations stuffed,
bloated law enforcement and spies raiding the public till, private
spies, cops and mercenaries worse than the official, or

what this leads to is 'law' or a legal framework that is defined
by power over language, to enforce a given interpretation as if
it is truth, yet not connected to it in terms of logical accounting
where the words are related to concepts and ideas that must
also be correct in their interpretation. instead this is assumed;
thus 'mankind' can represent humankind, and in this way, the
private relativism can function as if universal public empiricism,
basis for hegemony or dictatorial empire building via rogue state

the point being: law is not based within truth. it is entirely about
language as the mediator of this truth, the pattern match made
and believed 'equivalent' to truth (sign=sign) in binary thinking,
in this way communication and language exchange replace or
substitute for thinking which has no depth, no connection with
philosophy or metaphysics and instead is surface-relations in
and of language as signage. mediating the signage, as if truth

and that is what is enforced, upheld, protected, and protects
the corrupt state- that this accountability cannot take place,
that law is not observant of logical accounting for truth as truth

that is, truth can be brought down into a 1 and 0 framework in
this same mode of binary processing, people can be proven
wrong in their beliefs, yet this is not allowed, it is outlawed even
within the schools so that the authority-based view always 'wins'
based on control over relativistic, warped, onesided interpretation

there is no truth within the legal framework, and so how could
justice exist without observance and evaluation of situation in
their truth, and yet that is what the legal system consists of
and relies upon, a false framework to judge relations and events
that preferences an already accommodated view at the expense
and exploitation of others who must submit and find their place
within it, or be persecuted and forced to surrender to its beliefs
as the overriding or 'highest authority' as if this is highest truth
when it is not, it is the opposite- there is no there there, really

Back to the military which backs the hegemons. Technology
controls its effectiveness, thus the need for the hegemons to
control manufacture, distribution, ownership and application
of military means. Concentration of wealth through government
regulation, economic and tax policy, and military supremacy
reifies special privileges and exculpations for the enforcers
of law. Law->taxation->enforcement->informants->spying->
assassination->military action.

thus, to reframe this structural sequence accordingly...



in other words, language is a question, how does interpretation
occur, via ungrounded or semi-grounded "beliefs" or via empirical
reasoning that is logically evaluated and removed of known errors..

     v1.   truth-->[signs]-->Language->Law->taxation...

     v2.  pseudo-truth-->[signs]-->Language->Law->taxation...

what this ultimately leads to is two realities, one grounded in truth
and the other that substitutes 'language' for this truth, via shared
viewpoints of matched patterns as if confirmation of 'universal truth'.

in this way, 'signs' become this truth, the agreed upon POV=truth...

       truth <--//-- [signs]-->Language->Law->taxation...

in this way, disconnection from accountable truth then references
'nothing' as this truth, the sign replaces and becomes this truth,
which is to say 'language' or communication is equated with truth
by mere ability to share beliefs and common universal frameworks..

  (nothingness)  [signs]-->Language->Law->taxation...

this leads to the following condition that mediates the state and
defines the status quo, at the level of ideology and daily bread...

   (falsity)  [pT.signs]-->Language->Law->taxation->enforcement
               ->informants->spying->assassination->military action

where all communication that is not secured in truth is tending
toward increasing falsity by default of relativistic frameworks, and
that 'shared belief' is equated with a universal empirical viewpoint
as if higher consciousness yet warped, unreal, biased, onesided
and must be conformed to as a belief, subjugating and oppressing
people via the need to maintain and sustain the underlying falsity
that the entire system protects, extends, believes in and _serves

there is no question it is evil. it is not truth that is accessed, it is
a shared lie that serves materialistic goals, greed, and relies upon
behavorial conditioning and brainwashing of populations to uphold,
and at the very center or core of this system is money as if truth

   (money)  [pT.signs]-->Language->Law->taxation->enforcement
               ->informants->spying->assassination->military action

justice, rights, freedom, knowledge, action, work, economy,
governance, all are subsumed by this framework and must be
interpreted within its narrow parameters, and therefore perverted
to principles that function against humanity by default of this epic
corruption, age-old, enshrined in institutions, people, relations and
what side people are on, who they are and what is most important
to them, is it truth of the cosmos as it relates to the individual and
their place in existence and questions of development of civilization,
or is it a narrower consideration without regard for other dimensions
that allows a given bias to be extended as a way of life and 'being',
which at its core could involve absence, void, loss of awareness,
unknowing and wrong views yet belief they are god and all-knowing

perhaps key is cybernetic feedback, the ability to evaluate and to
self-correct. the absence of this or disregard indicating deeper issues
with regard to how truth is managed, both internally and externally as
it relates to value system. lies necessary for certain types of people,
it is the basis for their entire reasoning, 'the shared hallucination'
that is ungrounded, and one day will be accounted for empirically,
this being the nature of the cosmos as circuit and continuum

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