Zenaan, everybody, ​this is horrible. Truly horrible.

I have read some parts of this report... I couldn't believe, honestly. I couldn't believe, that it comes from the US. I could think it happens in some Iran, but... US?! And i have no rose-colored glasses.

As a matter of fact, i read a few years ago many official & biographic reports about the Gestapo torture methods (sorry about the Nazi theme). And it was LESS horrible than what i saw in this CENSORED report!

The US have lost even the level of some kind of humanity, not to mention the right to lead the world.
And this report, is another indisputable proof of this.

2015-06-18 11:32 GMT+03:00 Zenaan Harkness <zen@freedbms.net>:


Censored to be not accessible in Australia (and therefore presumably
elsewhere), but most folks around here ought find that no barrier.

I guess this is about as humorous as this topic can be presented. Sad as it is.