Prog-Dems been digging their own permanent graves...
@bgmasters: Biden should be impeached for this https://twitter.com/disclosetv/status/1535256848835743744 NEW - Hundreds of illegal migrants have crossed into the US through an empty border space in Yuma AZ last night. Biden has suffered a minus-30 swing in net favorable in the last calendar year. Rents across U.S. rise above $2,000 a month for the first time ever. Ray Epps could come forward, tell the truth, and be a hero But can't really blame him for not---look what they did to Terrance Yeakey Biden's inflation will cost American households on average an extra $5,200 in 2022, or $433 per month - Bloomberg Worst consumer confidence IN HISTORY Revolution coming soon, likely at least MILLIONS marching in protest before 2024. 8.6% is a fucking lie, most things you buy are up at least 10~45% over 12 months. How do you explain the sudden stop in new COVID variants? Select all channels with low ratings... https://nitter.net/pic/media%2FFU3Qj6ZXEAQmwmU.jpg Michigan Police Will Not Respond To Every 911 Call Due To High Gas Prices LGBT are disgusting perverted child groomers. A wealthy nation can afford to invest in green science and tech, but a broke one cannot. Replying to @ElectionWiz Exactly my stance we need ALL modes of energy production, think kardachev scale, the more energy we produce the better technological advancement is. Just a reminder that it was *not* Putin who shutdown the Keystone XL Pipeline, made federal lands off limits for new oil and natural gas exploration, and threw up regulatory roadblocks at nearly every agency with any impact on the American fossil fuel industry. You know what’s going on here. The Green Lunatics are trying to force you to go green. They erroneously believe “Putin’s war” gives them them cover to act. So, they’ve self-imposed a bevy of restrictions that drive up the cost of otherwise cheap and reliable fossil fuels I’m an all-energy kind of person. Use it all, but use it wisely. But until the Green Lunatics come around to nuclear, going green at this point will leave us weak and broke. Right now, America needs access to cheap and reliable coal, oil, and gas. Lives depend on it. @Cernovich Wicked people. There’s no room for civil disagreement. Democrats cannot ever be allowed to hold political power ever again. @ArthurSchwartz The day after a radical leftist attempted to assassinate Justice Kavanaugh, AOC is on Instagram bragging about how she stopped a bill designed to protect Supreme Court justices & their families. The biggest problem with the new Top Gun movie is the country it takes place in doesn't exist anymore A list of reasons why they want to talk about J6. @ElectionWiz INFLATION BY THE NUMBERS: Overall: +8.6% since last year Gas: +48.7% Fuel Oil: +106.7% Meat, Poultry, & Fish: +13.1% Milk: +15.9% Eggs: +32.2% Coffee: +15.3% Used Cars: +16.1% Airline Fares: +37.8% Real Average Hourly Earnings: -3% I just won my lawsuit. The unconstitutional New York State Assembly Maps are getting tossed. If you're going to author a political analysis piece, steer clear of economic punditry. "To be fair, when it comes to reducing inflation, it's up to the Fed, not Congress or the White House, to solve it." That is patently false, as were gas price claims. cookpolitical.com/analysis/n… Can Democrats Turn Things Around? | Cook Political Report With just under six months to go until the November elections, the political environment looks as bleak as ever for Democrats. The President's job approval ratings remain mired in the low 40s,... Rich Baris "The People's Pundit" @Peoples_Pundit Inflation, which is caused by printing supply, which the Biden Administration did, was primarily fueled by energy and food prices, both being the product of government policy. Looking only to the Fed was and is foolish. They're a one-trick pony and they waited too late. ... Food shortages were caused by bottle-necking the supply chain and the stupid plan to put government imposed restrictions on commerce to deal with a pandemic. Fearing risk to inventory buildup grew under Joe Biden, as the ISM panel clearly showed. In the end... In the end, it was a combination of foolish monetary, fiscal and public policy that led to rising inflation, and it will take course-corrections in "All the Above" to fully address it. Either way, again, "election analysis" shouldn't be an apology piece for the incumbent party. Guys stop being crazy—Justin Bieber’s facial paralysis and all the people dropping dead of “SADS” is obviously not because of the vaccine. Our leaders told us it’s perfectly safe, so stop asking questions. Be sure to get your boosters!