On Sun, 27 Jun 2021 16:35:27 -0700 David Barrett <dbarrett@expensify.com> wrote:
On Sun, Jun 27, 2021 at 4:19 PM Karl <gmkarl@gmail.com> wrote:
On Sun, Jun 27, 2021, 7:12 PM Punk-BatSoup-Stasi 2.0 <punks@tfwno.gf> wrote:
That's nonsense. It was all just drugs, and there's absolutely no reason to apologize for it.
I agree IF you are in support of unrestricted sale of hard narcotics, then that's fine. It just happens to be that in the US (and virtually everywhere else in the world), most people aren't, and the legal structure reflects that.
You US non-human criminals have 'exported' your insanely criminal 'war people who take some drugs' everywhere. The only thing that your 'legal structure' proves is that it's been created by non-human criminals and pushed by US imperialists and their accomplices worldwide. As an aside, the claim that 'most people support it' is an idiotic lie. Furthermore, even your insanely criminal war-on-people-who-take-some-drugs-big-pharma didn't-patent isn't as complete and 'supported' as you would want it to be. Not to mention, for most of human history, 'drugs' were 'legal' and it took puritan non-human trash imperialists like you to make them 'illegal'.
We have YET ANOTHER US govt turd alias 'david barnett' posting the
most idiotic trolling nonsense one can imagine : "But but, the US govt is good and drugs are baad!" - Please.
David's able to speak so rationally, how do we protect him?
Thank you, I appreciate that! The idea that everyone who speaks up in defense of the US government is automatically a government plant comes from a pretty sad worldview.
Thanks for 'naively' admiting that you're 'speaking in defense of the US govt'. Which means you're admiting you are a sick criminal. As to whether you're being paid for posting your sick propaganda here or not, the fact remains, you're acting as US govt propaganda agent. Assuming that you're a PAID agent is a pretty sensible assumption but even if you're just an 'amateur' you literally remain a US govt propaganda agent. And evil as fuck.
In the real world, our representative democracy was built by people who largely agree with it (tautologically so) --
The US was founded as SLAVE SOCIETY in which 1% of criminals or so voted and were 'represented'. It remained a SLAVE SOCIETY for almost a hundred years after 'foundation' and slavery was then ended accidentally as a side-effect. Of course only the most crass kind of slavery was ended. Every sentence you write is complete totalitarian garbage, so I won't bother addressing all of your vomits. Hopefuly you got the picture.